What’s the Most Efficient Space Heater for a Victorian Conservatory?

March 31, 2024

Whether you’re using your conservatory as a spacious living area, a quiet reading room, or a lush greenhouse, ensuring a consistent and comfortable temperature is crucial. When the temperature drops, a poorly heated conservatory can become a chilly, underused space. So, what’s the best way to bring warmth back to your Victorian conservatory? With a range of heating options available, from infrared panels to electric radiators, choosing the right heater can be overwhelming. This article will guide you through the characteristics, benefits, and drawbacks of each type of heater to help you make an informed decision.

Infrared Heaters: The Modern Heating Solution

Infrared heaters are a relatively recent addition to the heating market but have quickly gained popularity for their efficiency and versatility. Unlike traditional heaters, which heat the air, infrared units emit heat that is absorbed directly by objects and people in the room. This technology creates a noticeably different kind of warmth, comparable to the heat felt from the sun.

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One of the primary benefits of infrared heaters is their energy efficiency. As they warm up objects rather than air, they require less energy to maintain a comfortable temperature. Moreover, they offer a swift heat-up time. Once switched on, you’ll begin to feel the warmth in a matter of minutes.

However, infrared heaters have their downsides. They are typically more expensive than other types of heaters. Also, as they don’t heat the air, the room can feel chilly immediately after the heater is turned off. Despite this, their efficiency and quick heating properties make them a worthwhile consideration for your conservatory.

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Electric Radiators: The Traditional Choice

Electric radiators have been a go-to choice for heating homes and conservatories for many years. They function by heating an internal element, such as oil, which then emits warmth into the room. This process makes electric radiators a reliable and straightforward heating option.

Electric radiators are generally more affordable than other types of heaters, and their installation process is straightforward. They also offer excellent heat distribution, ensuring the whole room is consistently warm.

However, electric radiators have their downsides. The most significant being their energy consumption. To heat large spaces effectively, radiators need to be kept on for extended periods, which can lead to high energy bills. Additionally, they take longer to heat up compared to other types of heaters like infrared units.

Panel Heaters: Compact and Convenient

Panel heaters are a compact and convenient heating solution ideal for smaller conservatories. They are usually wall-mounted and have a slim design that doesn’t take up much room space. Panel heaters work by drawing in cold air, heating it, and releasing it back into the room.

The advantage of panel heaters lies in their ability to heat a space quickly. They are also more energy-efficient than traditional radiators as they don’t need to heat up large amounts of water or oil.

On the downside, while panel heaters are great for warming a small room quickly, they might not be the best choice for larger conservatories. The heat they produce can be somewhat localized, meaning areas further from the heater might not feel as warm.

Glass Panel Heaters: Stylish and Efficient

Glass panel heaters take the concept of a conventional panel heater and elevate it with a stylish, modern design. These heaters consist of a thin layer of glass that heats up, emitting a gentle warmth into the room.

These heaters are both aesthetically pleasing and efficient. The glass panels radiate heat evenly throughout the room and require less energy than traditional radiators.

However, like regular panel heaters, glass panel heaters may not be the best choice for larger conservatories as they might struggle to heat the entire space efficiently. Additionally, they can be more expensive than other types of heaters.

Underfloor Heating: Luxury and Comfort

Underfloor heating may be considered a luxury, but it offers an unparalleled level of comfort. It heats the room from the ground up, providing a consistent temperature throughout the conservatory.

The main advantage of underfloor heating is the comfort it provides. Having the heat emanate from the floor makes the entire room feel warm and cozy. It’s also highly energy-efficient as the heat is distributed evenly across the room.

On the downside, underfloor heating can be expensive to install, especially in an existing structure. It’s also not as quick to heat a room as some other options. Despite these drawbacks, if comfort is a priority and budget allows, then underfloor heating might be the perfect solution for your conservatory.

Remember, the most efficient space heater for your Victorian conservatory will depend on its size, your budget, and your heating needs. By understanding the pros and cons of each type of heater, you can make an informed decision to keep your conservatory warm and inviting all year round.

Storage Heaters: An Economical Option

Storage heaters are an efficient and economical choice when it comes to heating a conservatory. The unique feature of these heaters is that they store heat during the night when electricity tends to be cheaper and then release it during the day. This mechanism makes storage heaters a budget-friendly option.

One of the key advantages of storage heaters is their ability to utilise off-peak electricity tariffs. This means they can run at a lower cost compared to other heating methods. In addition, the ability to store heat allows the heater to provide warmth throughout the day without consuming extra energy.

However, one of the drawbacks of storage heaters is that they might not provide enough heat during exceptionally cold days, as the heat stored during the night may be used up during the day. Additionally, they are not able to rapidly increase the room temperature since the heating system relies on stored heat. This indicates that storage heaters might not be the best choice for those who want quick heating solutions.

Wifi Controlled Heaters: A Smart Heating Solution

As we progress further into the digital age, it’s no surprise that our heating systems are keeping pace. Wifi controlled heaters offer the convenience of adjusting your heating settings remotely through a mobile device. This enables you to ensure your conservatory is at the perfect temperature even before you step into the room.

The primary advantage of wifi controlled heaters is the ultimate control they offer. You can adjust the temperature, set heating schedules, and even monitor energy consumption from your smartphone. This added level of control can help to enhance the efficiency of your heating system and potentially reduce running costs.

On the downside, wifi controlled heaters can be more expensive initially due to the integrated smart technology. Furthermore, these heaters may require a stable internet connection to function optimally. Despite these drawbacks, the convenience and control offered by wifi controlled heaters make them a valuable consideration.


In conclusion, the most efficient space heater for a Victorian conservatory hinges on multiple factors. These include the size of the conservatory, budget, and specific heating requirements. Infrared heaters, electric radiators, panel heaters, glass panel heaters, underfloor heating, storage heaters, and wifi controlled heaters all have their unique benefits and drawbacks.

Infrared heaters provide efficient and quick heating, while electric radiators offer reliability and excellent heat distribution. Panel heaters are great for small spaces, and glass panel heaters add a stylish touch. Underfloor heating offers luxurious comfort, storage heaters are economical, and wifi controlled heaters provide ultimate control.

Understanding these options will allow you to weigh the pros and cons of each heating solution. This will enable you to find a system that best fits your needs, ensuring your Victorian conservatory remains a warm and inviting space all year round. While the initial cost may be a significant factor in your decision, it’s essential to consider the long-term running costs and the comfort provided by each heating system to make the best decision.